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Christ mannequin hung in the TST |
The examination of Jessie Czebotar’s Tweet history should be an eye opener for many. She sides with, and supports, Satanists on many of their goals to the detriment of her own stated ministry objectives. This basically shows Jessie as a two-faced individual. She does not deserve the trust so many of her followers have placed in her.
What follows is part two of Jessie Twitters postings. WARNING: Graphic images that might be offensive to some.
This exchange should have been the lead for my Red Flags post. So here it is again with additional comments.
From April 5, 2019 Jessie reassures Lucien Greaves of her intent to help him bring down the ISSTD, stating they are against everything he stands for.
ISSTD stands for The International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. From their website Mission Statement. “ISSTD seeks to advance clinical, scientific, and societal understanding about the prevalence and consequences of chronic trauma and dissociation.”
Lucien is opposed to the ISSTD because among other things, they have a SIG (special interest group) that investigates ritualist abuse and the trauma derived from it. That might in turn lead to cults, such as the one that Lucien is a member of. His tweets are filled with attack rhetoric against ISSTD which he apparently views as a major threat. As he does recovered memory therapy and any SRA survivor that has horror tales to tell on Satanists.
Astonishingly, Jessie wants to help Lucien hinder this group and openly says so. Keep in mind that Jessie’s whole persona is based on her being a reported survivor of Satanic ritual abuse. You see this in her published life story everywhere. You would think she would in good faith support such an organization. But no! Instead, she desires to help a Satanist hinder its objectives. This is the actions of a woman that plays both sides of the aisle. She claims to work in support of children but by siding with a Satanist she befriends, this would be hindered. Does she not see the consequences of this action?
None of this will matter to her loving fanbase and her minders on their Youtube channels who will never raise the issue. Yet it stands as a major contradiction to her stated goals and shows a growing affliction of dishonesty.
It seems that Jessie’s Satanist friends can go to disgusting depths of depravity that will, so far, not turn Jessie away. Here in this discussion from December 9, 2019, from. Post by Lucien Greaves but replying to Satanist Chalice Blythe. Featuring an image of an upside down “robotic” Christ in the Satanic Temple’s Saturnalia event, Lucien goes to describe guests shoving in the simulated spear wound money so the fake Jesus would either utter blasphemies or Bible verses. A link to a video of this is provided.
Jessie as usual, is unnecessarily apologetic discussing this with Chalice Blythe. She takes no offense at the blasphemy. She states that “the video was a little much for those of us coming out of Judaeo Christian hell.”
What? Jessie’s whole history, the core of her being, is that she survived Satanic abuse and bravely escaped their clutches to be crusader for the victims. In this exchange she talks as if she is one of them and suffered her abuse at the hands of Christians. Does she have an axe to grind organized Christianity? It appears so.
There is little context and she goes on to state the upside down Jesus is a symbol of trauma for her. Another hint at Christian misery? Nothing is directed towards her proclaimed tormentors, the Satanists. It is, nevertheless, a very strange comment to make from someone that portrays and promotes herself as a deeply spiritual Christian woman on a mission of healing and justice for the victims of SRA.
It never gets old. Besides the first lie I ran into with Jessie claiming that Somerset Belenoff is a real person, the second was the fake pentagram picture. Here from January 9th (year unknown) is the picture that set off a major controversy just as Jessie was making her ascendance. It caused her to make numerous defenses of the goof. She makes not one but three lies in this tweet. One, she is not the middle girl in the picture because the image is coming from an art instructional manual published in 1901. Second, Laurie Cabot Kents castle does not exist. And three, Cisco Wheeler did not take the picture since another photographer took the picture over 100 years ago. If you want to add a fourth lie, the pentagrams are photoshopped.
Her biggest mistake was thinking nobody would find this picture in a book long out of print. However, I discovered it is in reprint and I bought a copy. As suspected, it is just three girls drawing circles.
Jessie has backed off a bit now saying this might be a memory of a similar photograph taken of her with other girls in long dresses. In an interview she said she had the names of the other two girls but so far, has never released them. Where did she find the names anyway, in the obituaries? They are long gone now and so that is another lie. She only came up with this excuse because of the heat applied by me and my fellow researchers challenging her on this obvious deceit.
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In this tweet from January 11, 2021 Jessie gushes again for her beloved Lucien. Moves heaven and earth does he? Amazing to watch a purported Christian to show such affection for a Satanist. A man who co-founded a Satanic temple which relishes in mocking upside down Christ mannequins. This simple message displays how deeply attached she is to him. How deep does this go? Is he a handler? Or her partner from childhood? She says she was bonded to a boy in her training who was to be her protector. A with a lot of the people she mentions in her story, she does not name this boy. Was that Lucien?
In this exchange from April 23, 2020 Jessie complains about missing out on horror movie night on Satanic TV. At the bottom Lucien fills her in on the movies. One was the 1970 slasher movie, “I Will Drink Your Blood” and the 1975 film “Supervixens”. Both were X-rated. The first features gore, rape, nudity and all sorts of grotesque murder. Not exactly Christian family entertainment! Supervixens features a man on the run from a killer who along his escape route happens to encounter large breasted nymphos.
What Christian minister or chaplain would enjoy this sort of filth? While she didn't see these films, she was clearly disappointed that she missed them. Apparently no pangs of conscience to wither the appetite for it either.
The more one delves into Jessie Czebotar’s life the stranger and darker it gets. There is much chicanery going on with this woman it becomes clear she has a reprobate mind.
Here is an example of how cultish Jessie’s followers can get. In this Birthday tweet of April 24, 2021 KimmyD posts how inspired by Jessie she is and culminating in gushing, “GOD danced the day you were born!” Instead of rebuffing the acclaim and setting forth some humility, Jessie thanks her for the tweet. The kind of attention a narcissist loves.
Accompanied by some truly hideous artwork, it is nevertheless noted that the cross headband has SOS on it. This is Jessie’s newest scheme, Shepherds of Sheeple Army. An organization whose message is to “…raise awareness about the activities of the Luciferian Brotherhood, to support its victims and to advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.”
Some have complained about how people signing up to join the SOS have to be vetted by supplying a lot of personal information. Name, address, URLs to social media sites and a checklist of strengths or talents. So far, it looks like these SOS members will have unpaid positions. All of this vetting carries a hint of paranoia afoot.
Notice at the bottom tweet “Whoa! How cool is this?” By TERI. This is cool? A source indicates to me she’s an SOS team leader. This source also says they have set up various departments such as recruiting, marketing, social media, etc. This has the appearance of something big in development. Their aim is unclear as of now.
The SOS Army is something to keep an eye on in the future.
One of the most vague and mysterious of Jessie’s tweets occurred on March 25, 2020. She starts out by stating the BiChip company “was present” in the Black Diamond Hotel in Copenhagen in November of 2019. I assume this was a seminar, presentation of their technology, sales event, etc.
From the bichip.com: “BiChip is an implantable passive RFID-NFC transponder chip with a smart thermometer for health monitoring through in-vivo body temperature monitoring, that can store identification and access control data like opening house and car doors, or checking in at work places, and various forms of contactless payment which require authentication processes.”
She adds that Marina Abramovic, whom she follows on Twitter, had an art exhibit there at the time of this post.
Her statement that the chip is named, “The Mark of the Beast according to Jesus,” is most peculiar. A bit of a mocking tone which she uses a lot. The BiChip website and their social media never associates their chip with the Beast of Revelation. Of course not. That would be needless controversy for a company promoting an advanced technology product.
Even more peculiar, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and U.S. Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming is listed in the retweets. Twitter, the agent whereby the average person can send messages to anyone, even the notable, rich and powerful. Both men probably scratched their collective heads over this if either man wasted their time looking at it at all.
So what to make of this? Some kind of code? It’s all disjointed. The remark about the implantable chip being the Mark of the Beast is especially noteworthy. Notice the two words she capitalized as a form of emphasis. This message is inexplicable and as inscrutable as she is. On the other hand, as the mind clears, this may just be Jessie’s way of casting
Regarding the SOS Army, I stated that there was a membership fee of $197. This is in error and has been corrected. I apologize to my readers for this error.