Next time please loot from a source we can’t find!
“Jessie Czebotar reveals an ancient decifer key, that is held secret by the highest echelon of the Luciferian religion. It can be used to decifer all kinds of logo's and flags. In this case the Space Force logo is decifered. It gives great insight in the belief system of the Luciferians."
I recall in the spring of 2021 surfing videos on YouTube and ran across The Reveal Report enthralled at Jessie Czebotar’s meticulous examination of an occult cypher key. It’s in the form of a seal with concentric rings and geometric symbols. The graphics are jagged in appearance adding to its creepy look. Alongside is an alphabet, resembling ancient runes, with the same jagged graphic style which also adorns the cypher key’s outer rings.
Jessie goes on to detail the symbols such as the inner circle representing God, at the center of all things. The triangle is the earth. The letters in the outer ring of the seal are equivalent to musical notes. She evokes the breath of God in the symbols. All of the graphic elements are to declare the Lord’s Glory. Her descriptions are quite lengthy and filled with a minutiae of details.
Eventually the explanation she builds evokes confusion as it goes along. It’s unclear how these symbols that represent God and his Creation, later take a turn to the Satanic. When earlier the letters were supposed to be musical notes, later they now represent archangels such as Michael, Gabriel, etc., and various demons. She doesn’t explain how the transformation happened. The deciphering of the Cypher leads to a confusing end. And, there is no clear way of telling precisely how these letters define them. It’s just Jessie’s word, which she wields in an authoritative way.
When I first saw this video I was impressed enough to give Jessie kudos in the comments for an impressive and lengthy, over 2 hours, teaching on the occult.
However, as I found out later, this whole presentation was a lengthy con when it was discovered the cypher, the seal and the letters are not coming from Jessie’s unidentified esoteric source. The graphics are coming from the Ghostbuster’s video game!
An online researcher AngelWithBentHalo on twitter watched the Reveal Report video and thought the images on the video looked similar, so she had her son who is a gamer look into it. He discovered the graphics Jessie was using on several fan sites dedicated to the Ghostbusters franchise which in this instance, leads to the video game.
Here are those graphics Jessie was using from the game:
As can be seen from these examples, the video game images are the exact duplicates of images shown in the March 12 video.
Regarding the Gozerian Alphabet from
“The Gozerian Alphabet is an alphabet consisting of 26 letters seemingly derived from ancient Sumerian language and observed in the mythology of the destructive Sumerian deity known as Gozer the Gozerian and other entities and monsters associated with him. It is employed by the Gozer Worshippers as their own dialect as they faithfully praised the same chaotic god and they wish to bring about a new world through him by awaiting his coming and the destruction of the Earth.”
Of course, this is a fictional explanation for the game's plot. The site goes on to give nineteen examples of how these graphics are used and where they can be found in the game.
This is why Jessie never stated the source of these graphics. She is keen on leaving out lots of minutiae in her interviews which her sympathetic interviewers never follow up on. It’s a good cover when you are nabbing somebody else’s art and using it for your own purposes. This robbing of a video game’s graphics for a teaching video on the esoteric is so sneaky it beggars a proper accounting. Very cheeky stunt! And not the first time she has done this. Such as the 1899 three girls photo incident well documented on this blog. Notwithstanding, it pales in comparison to the Cypher decode high jinks.
This shenanigan exhibits what Jessie thinks of her expanding base of admirers. To her, they are rubes and apparently feel no pangs of conscience to fool them in order to maintain a following and ultimately donations to her ministry.
Jessie makes reference to The Key of Solomon book which is known as a “pseudepigraphical grimoire,” meaning it is attributed to King Solomon but most likely is not. The actual dating for the publication goes back to the 14th or 15th century Italian Renaissance. It is, however, a book of spells.
The images from the game date from 2015-2019.
Twitter poster AngelWithBentHalo was the original discoverer of the Gozerian Alphabet video game graphics. Thanks much!
Even though it's all a big fake-out, Jessie said in the video that the alphabet represented musical notes. There is only 12 notes to a chromatic scale. Yet there are 26 letters in the alphabet. Where are these other notes coming from? It's easy. Nowhere. It never ends with these people.
Jessie's fake decipher key video is mirrored at Iam Non Servus, George Iceman's other Reveal Report channel. The same video just broken down in smaller segments.
Another point in the fakery is the Satanic alphabet. Notice it is in English. This alphabet is supposed to be something ancient, transcending time, going back thousands of years. Ages long before the English language was invented. So the prince of Darkness communicates to world from the beginning in English? Come on!
One of the viewers of the video discovered the website listed below. He posted a question in the comments section regarding this and got the following response:
![]() |
Images from MrDior video. |
It's of note that once Jessie did the Decipher on the Reveal Report in March of 2021 she never did a presentation of this again. Too much known about the con?
From Reddit:
"Most of the names are fictional. There is no Gozer, Zuul, or Vinz Clortho in Hittite or Sumerian mythology; nor are Torgs or Slors known mythological creatures, and there are no known groups called the Sebouillia, Vuldrini, McKittrick Supplicants, Shuvs, or Zuuls. Tobin's Spirit Guide is not a real book (well, until recently)."
The Reveal Report, streamed live on March 12, 2021.
Special LIVE report on the Nephilim Giants with guest Jessie Czebotar
Gozerian alphabet and Ghostbusters sites.
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