Friday, October 14, 2022

The Affidavits Part 1

(Affidavits #1 and #2 are updated at Substack:

In this two part series I will be covering the release of the Jessie Czebotar affidavits.  This post is regarding the validity of the documents themselves since they feature numerous questionable flaws.  Part 2 will cover the content of the actual affidavits.


Jessie Czebotar has had some ups and downs in 2022.  From losing two video channel supporters to having a dust up and falling out with Madyson Marquette.  Myself and other researchers have been unrelenting in exposing her deceitful conduct, lying and endless grifting.  So annoyed with critics she even stooped to posting an enemies list on Twitter, of which my name was included.  In the spring she posted a “cease and desist” notice on Twitter towards me and several other online critics, three times.  They had no legal standing since her claims of being a Federal witness were exaggerated.  All she actually did was submit an affidavit to a civil trial that was a tort case, which was never used.  She also had to take down her Go Fund Me “Champions” account after raising $20,000.  GFM became curious and started asking questions regarding how the money was being spent to help others. Being alleged whistleblowers Jessie responded she could not release their names due to obvious reasons.  

To be fair, she has had some high points such as reaching over 32,000 followers on Twitter, launching a new website (she owns a total of three), numerous workshops including one recorded in a TV studio charging $400 a seat.  Her fundraising is ongoing, helped along by book sales and merchandise.  How much money is flowing into the Illuminate the Darkness ministry is unknown.

For some reason that is not perfectly clear, Jessie Czebotar has released a series of affidavits, many produced in 2021 and only appearing online recently.  There are plenty of people providing opposition to her claims, most unverifiable. So this could be an attempt to add further legitimacy to her various claims and her status as an alleged whistleblower to Satanic crimes of torture and murder of children.  

What follows is an analysis of those affidavits which will show numerous errors, both in the composition of the documents themselves to factual anomalies and in one case, blatant slander.

Are The Affidavits Null And Void?

Part of a notary public’s job is being a witness. The witness signing must correlate to the notary public seeing the signature being made and making his/her signature, date and stamp on the affidavit.  Both dates should match. If the signature is a day or two apart then the notary is not witnessing it. There is an old system for signature verification but remains legally valid.  Also, additional information may be required such as the notary public making it clear they were witnessing the signature being made.

Below is an affidavit of mine for a probate proceeding in 2016.  The dates are the same.  The notary public has the added paragraph describing exactly what he was doing in regard to verifying that the witness, me, has signed and dated the document.  My street address (blurred) is included.  Proper dating, dates and addresses are important since a Judge is going to see this when it is filed with the court.  

One of Jessie's affidavits. If she really submitted her affidavits to various courts they should be of the same quality and detail as mine.  They are not.  They resemble digital hack jobs.  No street address and the witnessing dates are off by one day in this example.

An example of a 2-day difference between her signature and that of the notary public. This shows that the notary did not view her signing.

As shown in the next example the signatures and notary stamps are taken from a batch of 7 affidavits and are all identical, giving the appearance of digital alteration.  Signatures and stamps will have variations.  In Jessie’s affidavits there are no variations whatsoever, only general conformity.  Notice the two day signature difference.  A cut & paste job.

Likewise, the cover letter is also problematic.

Once again the signature dates are off by a day and the use of two notary public stamps is unnecessary.  Both stamps are nearly identical and are very likely digital inserts.

Even Jessie’s diehard supporters such Veronica Swift can’t admit there is trouble with the verification of these documents even with clear irregularities:

“I also looked through the Florida reference manual for notaries public, as one attorney and certified notary from Florida also claimed on Twitter that all of these affidavits were null and void because of the day difference between the witness and notary signatures, and I was unable to find any official instructions that would prohibit notarizing an affidavit a day later under these state guidelines.”

Here is Swift with both an attorney and certified notary telling her a dating difference would make an affidavit null and void and she still won’t accept it!  Like most Jessie gatekeepers she can’t.  Besides, her job as a propagandist is to defend the cult Leader from her critics. It’s a tough job with Jessie constantly offering dubious evidence that doesn’t hold up well or at all when exposed to the light.

In Closing

These allegedly sworn affidavits of Jessie Czebotar are troublesome.  If you know anything about her, you will know she doesn’t do much of anything in a normal manner to begin with.  So having issues with affidavits and the proper use of signatures and notary stamps are of no surprise.  The same will occur in Part 2, when the content is examined.

Coming in Part 2

A deep look into the content of the affidavits, the slandering of individuals, civilian affidavits sent to military courts, the misuse of names and other faulty information supplied in the documents. 



Image use granted under CCL and used for non-commercial reasons.  


Affidavits Part 2


Notary Public