Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Was Aaron Swartz Killed By An MIT Satanic Child Porn Ring?


Updated with extra content at:  https://georgebailey.substack.com/p/was-aaron-swartz-killed-by-an-mit?sd=pf

I recently saw the documentary on Aaron Swartz called, The Internet’s Own Boy.  Overall, a very comprehensive account of his life and work but it failed regarding major parts of the narrative, such as Swartz being opposed to online child pornography and was an activist against it.  In fact, the MIT Media Lab was founded by Nicholas Negroponte, a procurer of children for sex/rape films and sex parties for the elites in government and business.  It has been speculated that the MIT servers were being used to funnel this illegal and immoral content.  

The film attempts to cover the central question regarding why the government went after Swartz so ruthlessly for downloading JSTOR scholarly journals at MIT for which he was not distributing or selling.  The film totally fails in this concern and concentrates instead on how flimsy the charges were and Swartz’s refusal to plea bargain.  The idea that he may have uncovered illegal content in the server closet at MIT is totally ignored. (And he might, considering how long the downloading times were, indicating images and video clips.)  Shameful, as this would help to explain why Federal prosecutors were so zealous in their desire to incarcerate Swartz.

Linked here is one of the best articles on Aaron Swartz and his courageous efforts to combat the trafficking and abuse of children by Yoichi Shimatsu from January of 2012 entitled, Was Aaron Swartz Killed By An MIT Satanic Child Porn Ring? The main thesis is that Swartz uncovered the porn traffic and sought to expose it.  Nothing covers this story better than Shimatsu’s article and all concerned with this issue should read it.

Link:  https://rense.com/general95/swartz.html