Saturday, August 31, 2024

Breakdown Of A Haunting

 When you cross paths with unseen things.

When I arose on the morning of June 22 of 2011 I made my mother her tea and waited for her to come out.  She didn’t.  So I went to the bedroom and saw her lying there, mouth open, her right hand clutched in a fist on her chest dead.  Though stunned there was time for grief later.  The first matter of business was to call my father who was attending to family business only to learn from my aunt that he had already left and was heading home.  He had no phone with him.  My heart went out to him because he was coming home to discover his marriage of 57 years was over and the woman he loved was gone to this world.

Full article at Substack.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

NASA’s Apollo 13 Mission Report

How does one weigh pounds of water in Zero G?

The main thing that caught my attention was the many references to various weights of onboard liquids such as water, fuel and non liquids such as oxygen while in space. The measurement is in pounds.  While the other mission reports document various weights it is usually regarding how many moon rocks were collected or how much weight the astronauts lost during the  mission.  With Apollo 13, this is the recording of liquids—in a weightless environment!

Full post at my Substack:

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

AI Image Creation With Grok-2


Instant picture making with a sentence.  

Musk announced Grok, the company’s answer to ChatGPT, in November, while Grok 1.5 debuted in April. The chatbot is available exclusively to Premium subscribers on X. Musk's xAI startup is also preparing to build what might be the world’s largest supercomputer in Memphis, Tennessee, which will handle Grok training. 
Emily Price,

Long before I became a photographer I had studied art.  Fine art to begin with and later graphic design and advertising.  During this time I’ve done some of everything for designing logos, airbrush illustrations, fine art painting, portrait painting, etc.  Later, when home computers became the next big thing I was interested in using them for design and art projects.  I recall my first experience in the mid 1980’s with 3D rendering using Sculpt 3D on the Commodore Amiga.  Just rending a few objects took hours, sometimes in the evening running the computer all night to render simple images.

One day I received an email from one of my photo stock agencies that AI images were acceptable for submission and sale.   I knew nothing about it and was unsure where to start.  Then recently, Grok-2 was announced by Elon Musk for August.  Up until then I had only used Grok to answer questions for research purposes.  I didn’t know it could render images as well.  Once I learned that Grok could create images I decided to explore what it could do.  What follows are my experiences with this new imaging technology.

Full article with examples posted at Substack--

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

For ALL The Readers of The Cathy Fox Blogs

One of Cathy Fox's amateurish memes.

Blogger Cathy Fox (fake name, fake picture, fake sex) has taken upon himself to attack truth seekers like myself and others online and in his  demented side blog Scarletsage.  So here are a compendium of articles on Jessie Czebotar’s ongoing fraud.  You will see the facts, with screen captures and video clips of what myself and other seekers are trying to warn the public about.  

And by the way, like many of his irrational claims, his allegations of us attacking him for 3 years is nonsense.  Just an excuse to justify his attacks on me, Sarah Much, Grey, Paula Blades and other researchers.  He was never our focus.  Czebotar’s continued deceptions always will be.

And the other allegation that we attack SRA survivors is also nonsense (Jessie doesn’t count) as evidenced by so many survivors that follow us on X. They know we speak the truth and have compassion for them.

I have never debated him on his outrageous and slanderous claims and instead decided to let the facts present themselves.  Besides, anybody that calls my blog Outward Trends— Outright Turds is not a person one can have a reasonable adult conversation with let alone, someone who tries to insult and discredit others with nonsense while not having the courage to show his face.

Jessie Czebotar is not who she claims to be.

Jessie article links:

End Notes


Mr. Fox likes to make threats as in this example of threaten remakes sent to Sarah Moch.

An example of Mr. Fox's writing.  His writing is often plagued with spelling and grammatical errors.

One of his crude memes on me.  Also, all of the allegations are false.  I have never attacked Cisco Wheeler and I have never been to a "satanic hoax panic" website.  The website in question is Swallowing The Camel a site in their words: "...examines hoaxes, scams, controversies, rumours, schemes, bizarre ideas, bogus products, disinformation, misinformation, impractical jokes, literary fraud, and anything else that smells bad.Obviously it has nothing to do with satanic panic issues, nor creates hoaxes, only investigates them.   All I ever did was post a link regarding an investigative article about Cisco Wheeler.  And he calls me an attacker?

Oddly,  Mr. Fox post several articles about this fake story of his.  He shows who the actual liar is--him.

What a real meme looks like.


Another tactic these Jessie Czebotar defenders use is taking a mistake and using it as smear fodder against those that research the ongoing fraud.  In doing so they ignore the evidence that has been documented.  In this example, Mr. Fox is correct.  I made a glaring mistake in stating that Jessie's website (IlluminateTheDarkness) and that of Somerset Belenoff 
(GlamisCalling) were owned by the same person.  Sometimes I am overzealous and I should do a longer, deeper dive into a subject.  The end result they get to call me a liar, crazy, etc.  Likewise, when they are in error (as shown above) they double-down and never admit to any mistakes, ever. The end result, they ignore Jessie's lie that she met Somerset Belenoff in person, a fictional character in a hoax, an event that clearly never could have happened.  

So, I'll just try to do better in the future and make corrections as needed.  I apologize to my readers.  

Attack on Grey Area Monarch

The reason these Jessie coverup squad attacks us is because we challenge Jessie’s narrative and in effect her business operations.

In this wild example of Mr. Fox taking Grey out of context, and out of reason, he spins the yarn that Grey is admitting to the use of female persona in sock accounts.  None of this can be seen in Grey’s tweets.  He is referring to a man, Brad Conley who admits to using a female persona.  

Mr. Fox says Grey uses "...various sock puppet female pseudonyms" yet can't seem to name a single one in this long, rambling article. Then claims Grey admitted to doing this in the tweet. Seriously?   

Here is how you can research these issues if you come under attack by these Players.  

Go here to X’s deep search:

Type:  female.   In accounts type:  @GreyAreaMonarch

Date type: 9/1/24 - 9/30/24

Then you will see how Fox misused the proper context of Grey’s tweets, and how his rebuttal makes no sense at all, as if he is reading something else entirely different.  He uses about a dozen of Grey’s tweets and misinterprets all of them in this manner.

A bit sensitive about this Mr. Fox?  After all, it's not far from what you are doing with your online persona!

Friday, June 21, 2024

NASA Space Images Are Often Faked


Latest post at Substack regarding NASA faking space images.

"Fast forward to 2024 and the CGI has gotten to the point of hyper-realism as seen in such films such as The Lord of Rings, Avatar, and a host of sci-fi films and TV shows.  Having a background in photography and CGI I think I am well versed in spotting what is real and what is not.  And much coming out of NASA and the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) of late is obviously fake.  Have you seen the NASA image of North America much larger than its actual size?  Or of North America totally in green with no desert areas or snow capped mountains?  It’s all out there.  I fail to understand why with the sophistication of cameras and software to transmit pictures back to earth, they would resort to this nonsense."

Friday, June 14, 2024

Manned Maneuvering Unit Revisited


The 40th year anniversary in 2024.

New issues discovered.  Posted at Substack.

"NASA gets away with a lot.  Mainly due to a complaint, unquestioning science and technology media.  If America’s premier space agency chooses to deceive the public they can. And do.  I can tell from my own research experience that NASA documents often contradict their press releases and in turn, contradict the articles by science based journalists.  It is as if these journalists are not reading the source documents.  Actually, their articles often resemble PR releases for NASA."

More here: