Friday, June 21, 2024

NASA Space Images Are Often Faked


Latest post at Substack regarding NASA faking space images.

"Fast forward to 2024 and the CGI has gotten to the point of hyper-realism as seen in such films such as The Lord of Rings, Avatar, and a host of sci-fi films and TV shows.  Having a background in photography and CGI I think I am well versed in spotting what is real and what is not.  And much coming out of NASA and the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) of late is obviously fake.  Have you seen the NASA image of North America much larger than its actual size?  Or of North America totally in green with no desert areas or snow capped mountains?  It’s all out there.  I fail to understand why with the sophistication of cameras and software to transmit pictures back to earth, they would resort to this nonsense."