Friday, July 7, 2023

Medical School Days


Proof that Jessie Czebotar’s stories are not all consistent.

One assertion commonly made by Jessie Czebotar’s defenders is that her stories ring true because they have been consistent over many retellings.  However, in these video clips it will be shown this allegation is false.  In these clips, she is showing that her stories are not consistent nor fit in well with her background as she has related it.

In these clips, Jessie tells two different stories about studying medicine.  The first clip is from Carmen Studer’s Youtube channel (removed in 2022) where she tells the tale of going to medical school with a scholarship from John Brennan and claiming research into cloning and DNA.  None of the Christian colleges she attended offered programs in cloning, genetics, pre-med, etc.  More on that below.

Of note, she never mentions the name of the Medical school or the name of the professor she had a run-in with.

The second clip is from Testimony Mountain, she alleges she was taking classes to be a veterinarian.  After operating on a pig cadaver she did such a good job (her professor (also not named) recommended she go to med school and train to be a heart surgeon. Quite a difference from her first video on medical training.

Known Education

Jessie is known to attended two colleges: Crown College in

Saint Bonifacius, MN and Multnomah Seminary in Portland, OR.  

Crown College.  Does offer an undergraduate degree in biology which can be used for attending medical or veterinary schools.  It is unknown if she got a BS in biology to pursue this career path.  Most of her background stories show a drive to be in Christian ministry, with finally being certified to be a chaplain.

Multnomah Seminary.  Just like Crown College, it also features a BS in biology to pursue a medical or science career path.  But is not associated with any medical college.

In Summary

Since she has never named the medical college she alleges to have attended, and with her sustained pattern of lying, it must be assumed she never did study medicine or genetic science, nor does it fit in her established timeline.


The story of CIA Director John Brennan awarding her scholarship is absurd.  As usual with her stories, she provides no proof. This affiliation with Brennan is from another story of him being a satanic priest who was one of Jessie’s trainers.  No evidence for that either.

The idea that one can dissect a pig's knee and that will inspire your professor to think you'll make a great heart surgeon is ludicrous.  But, it does keep up with Jessie’s history of self aggrandizement.  Her stories are the epics of heroes.  She always comes out winning against any challenge.  A common tag among cult leaders so their followers will look up to them and admire them for their great deeds.

In the first clip regarding her altercation with a professor, Jessie mentions a complaint to the local school board.  School boards do not interact with higher learning institutions unless it’s a public college or university.  Primarily, they serve public schools, grades K-12.


Crown College

Multnomah Seminary

Full videos

Medical School #1

Medical School #2