Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Ye Shall Know Them By Their Symbols


"A symbol is a mark, sign, or word that indicates, signifies, or is understood as representing an idea, object, or relationship. Symbols allow people to go beyond what is known or seen by creating linkages between otherwise very different concepts and experiences. All communication (and data processing) is achieved through the use of symbols. Symbols take the form of words, sounds, gestures, ideas, or visual images and are used to convey other ideas and beliefs."                                           


Part of childhood is the pleasure of blowing a dandelion and seeing seed filaments, miniature parachutes float off in the breeze. As the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology has found, the aerodynamic design gives the seeds a flight distance as great as a kilometer.  

It is also a useful herb for numerous health issues.  It makes a very good diuretic for people suffering with water retention and can detoxify the liver.  Much of the plant can be used such as the leaves, flowers, or the roots.  The roots can be made into tea and there is dandelion wine as well.

As with all things God-made, Satan will pervert it for his own schemes.  Even the simple act of a child making a wish before the seeds are blown away for good luck is considered a spell.  

In an article by Patti Wigington at, she states, "Some people use dandelions to enhance psychic abilities. In his Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, author Scott Cunningham recommends the use of dandelion roots in a tea to aid in divination and prophetic dreaming."

At Moody Moons, they posted an article, “10 Ways to Use Dandelions in Witchcraft”.  Such as, place them in a Book of Shadows; gather dandelions and other wild flowers as offerings to woodland spirits;  include them in wishing spells (see above); place them on a Beltane altar; and use them as a ring around a spell candle or altar.  All notions of witchcraft which dandelions play a part.

Dandelion As A Symbol

As can be seen in the image above of the 50 Franc Swiss currency, the dandelion image seems innocent till one learns that the Cabal keep their money in Swiss banks.  The flower is dead at this point indicating a darker meaning.  Notice the image to the right of the parasail, it’s angled to have the appearance of a cobra snake head.  Notice the earth with the arrows circling it.  The dandelion seeds in this instance can symbolize the seeds of Lucifer, sending luciferian ideas, around the Earth.

In another one of JC’s unprovable stories, She claims at a young age to have taken a trip to Scotland to visit Glamis Castle.  She claims to have been accompanied by her trainer, Laurie Cabot Kent. At this gathering were some notables and one was Prince Philip who allegedly scolded her for picking dandelions, dismissing them as weeds.  Was this the start of the dandelion meme?  As it now runs through all of her promotional materials.  An odd choice to use dandelions as a symbol considering the aforementioned relationship to occult practices.  Jessie Czebotar’s satanic background, coupled with her ongoing relationships with satanists online, leaves one wondering whose side she really is on.  She admitted to being trained in psyops.  Apparently so.

Her Illuminate the Darkness website, which also doubles as her fundraising nonprofit, has a dual meaning.  When the Satanists sodomize a child in their rituals, it is referred to as “Illuminating” the child.  She and her organization are supposed to be helping SRA survivors recover.  An SRA survivor would have a deep and horrible memory of being illuminated.

Images from Jessie Czebotar various websites.


Taraxacum officinale is a flowering herbaceous perennial plant of the Asteraceae family.

Jessie often refers to Laurie Cabot as a “Kent”.  All searches indicate this is not her actual surname and she is known as Laurie Cabot, one of American’s leading witches.  

Illuminate the Darkness had an earlier incarnation as Unveiling The Darkness LLC, a for profit company.  It was established in Feb 22, 2016 and ended via Tax Forfeiture in Jan 25, 2019.  It had the same exact address and director, Carol Berry, as Illuminate the Darkness currently has.

Illuminate the Darkness was designated by the IRS as a nonprofit in January 24, 2020.  It has yet to fill an annual Form 990, Form 990ez, or Form 990-n (e-Postcard), as required by IRS regulations.


Carla Shellis is working to help the survivors of human trafficking.  Shellis, based in Texas, is focused in buying homes she calls “safe houses” to house victims rescued from traffickers.  Initially, she wants millions in donations to purchase and upgrade existing homes for woman and girls.

Sparkle Living Inc, is her nonprofit.  She is also the founder of Bochy's Place, Bochy's Box and Bochy’s League, all setups for fundraising, merchandizing and organizing activities such as, property purchasing, gatherings, volunteering, etc.

For someone who desires to help trafficking survivors it’s interesting to note the logo which features mind control symbols such as the butterfly, a symbol of Monarch mind control and out reached hands, a symbol of “handling”.  Likewise, the Bochy’s Place websites are heavy with MK Ultra programming symbolism.

More references to 666 embedded in logos.


Chantelle Meybergh's sidekick, Morne Vente displaying his occult tattoos.


The physics of the dandelion

Health Benefits

Use in magic and spells

Dandelion Magic and Folklore   

Friday, July 23, 2021

Gina Phillips Counselor to SRA Survivors

The videos in this article feature Christian counselor, Gina Phillips, who specializes in treating SRA survivors.  The first video, Questions and Answers with Survivor Part 1 of 2, Gina goes into great detail describing what happens to the youngest of the abuse victims and how they are groomed by torture and being forced to commit disgusting acts.  

It should be noted that Part 2 has not been released yet. 

In the next two videos, Interviewing Survivor #1 - Trust and Interview- #2 Sabotage, Gina interviews an SRA survivor Galaxy (off frame) that describes her programming and how she was being used by a Satanic cult to infiltrate and find information to discredit or blackmail her therapist.  This is a common tactic of Satanic cults to cover up their crimes against children.  Gina was brought in to work with this person and achieved full recovery.


Questions and Answers with Survivor Part 1 of 2

Interviewing Survivor #1 - Trust

Interview- #2 Sabotage

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The New Players Part 1


As this drama unfolds, more people are brought in the organization.  Where do these people fit in?  Many are grifters with nonprofits to promote.  We do know Jessie’s Illuminate the Darkness Ministry is expanding with workshops and gatherings around the country such as the recent one in Orlando of July 16-17. There is also a growing number of teams running rescue operations for trafficked children and adults.

Unfortunately, some of these people being brought in have questionable backgrounds, behavior, and some with criminal records. 

Clare Okell

At her LinkedIn account, Clare Okell is listed as a Managing Director at Rex Homes in the UK.  She asserts that she works with Charlie Ward and with Donald Trump. There is no evidence for either of these claims. She does however, spend a lot of time doing videos or being in them.  She claims, as Madyson does, to be working with Special Forces (Seal Team 6) to rescue children from DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases).  She and Madyson often appear together, billed as The Yank and the Great British Bird.  It is unknown if Clare is Madyson’s handler.

Clare Okell has a volatile temper in which she indulges in screaming, abusive, profanity filled rants.  She unleashed it on M Seeker Of Truth on his Telegram channel for criticizing her and she went nuts attacking him on his Telegram.  He proceeded to make a video out of her unhinged attack, The Great British Foul.  This woman could out cuss and out insult the Prince of Darkness himself.  Her language is extremely filthy and at one point she threatened to send some of her military pals to rape M Seeker!  She accuses him repeatedly of being employed by MI6, just as Jessie and her gang accuse critics of being paid government agents.  She made all sorts of outlandish claims which she provided no proof for, even going so far as slandering M as a pedophile, among other insults.  She comes off in the video as dangerously mentally unstable.  Why would this person be allowed on a Christian YouTube Channel?  

Madyson Rae Marquette (Stacy 'Stacey' Williams)

Madyson Marquette is a troubled woman with a tragic past filled with molestation as a child, human trafficking and a career as a porn actress.  She currently has two outstanding warrants for her arrest in Orange County, CA, under her birth name of Stacy Williams.  One is a felony and the other is a misdemeanor which carries a $15,000 bond.  She claims to have been trafficked by Derek Hay LA Direct Models.  He was convicted, alone with two others, for human trafficking in 2014.  There were five women listed as Hay’s victims in the indictment.  Madyson Marquette is not one of them.  She may have been a victim of Derek Hay, but odd that she is not involved in the indictment.  Her back story is weak and filled with easily debunked claims.  Even her own family calls her a liar with a long criminal record.

Madyson Marquette (Stacey Dawn Williams) Orange County, CA warrants

Our Heroes! 

Both Clare and Madyson are supposedly doing dangerous work going on undercover missions to help rescue children and adults.  Caren Studer in her video interview with Carla Shellis of June 18th, reported that Madyson at the same time was on an “extraction” and had helped rescue 102 children, 32 women, with children 32 killed. A very compelling story if true.

However, there is no proof for any of this.  Why would any group take Madyson on such a mission?  Her criminal record, with outstanding warrants, a proper vetting process should have culled this shady lady out.  Where did this action take place?  Any names of the victims?  The Bible says to test what a spirit says.  Here is the test and it is found to be wanting.

Besides, if she was truly brave she would head to Orange Country and resolve the warrants.  Until then, don’t refer to her as being courageous.  All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.  As you grow, you stop doing things that are displeasing to the Lord.

Apparently, there are no standards for Team Jessie.  Riff-raff such as Madyson and Clare can arrive at the party and do story time without being questioned.  Have a criminal record?  Have outstanding warrants?  Threaten to send people to attack and rape somebody you have words with?  Cuss and rage?  No problem!  None of this acceptable Christian behavior.  Everybody is invited to the grifter table.  Tell your story, nobody is going to question whether it’s true or not.  If they do, they will delete their comments and block you.

Everybody in this loosely knit organization from Team 6 to recent arrivals such as Cammy Bawker, Carla Shellis, Summer Dey, etc, are partnering with these characters.  They ought to know better.  Seems like the principle of running with people you know are bad, in the hopes they will get you somewhere.  People get burned doing this. These people claim to be Christians yet are actively suborning multiple frauds.  They have to know this.

I am sure there are compassionate, good and honest people out there attempting to rescue children from pedophile rings.  It is a blight on our nation and the nations of the world.  But I would hope a better standard would be set with honorable people going forth rescuing and bringing justice for these children.  



Madyson Marquette is making claims of veing a lawyer.  She said she passed the Bar exam in Washington state.  However, in the published list of those who passed the exam, her name nor her birth name is listed.  Now she is claiming it was Washington, DC.  Highly likely that is not true either.


If you go here and type in Madyson Marquette for the warrants you will get Stacey Williams listed.



Madyson Marquette's numerous aliases:  Stacy Williams, Stacey D Williams, Stacey D William, Madyson Hendricks, Madyson Rae, Madyson Airplane, Madi Hendrick

And her actress names:  Fayth Deluca, Faith Deluca, Faythe Deluca


Clare Hocking-Okell on her Instagram account currently has 2,228 followers followers with zero content posted.  She follows no one.  Notable to have so many followers while doing nothing to garner them.



Stacy Williams appeal in 2016

Look up Madyson Marquette - Stacy Williams warrants in Orange County, CA

Derek Hay Indictment

Bar exam claim…false

M Seeker Of Truth  - The Great British Foul

Cold Beer Confessional - Will Byrd - Video - 

Madyson Marquette, Stacey Dawn Williams, Brianna Noel Whatever you call her... RECEIPTS!!!

Madyson Rae Marquette

Friday, July 16, 2021

Team 6


When carving out Real Estate for yourself on the internet it pays to have a loyal support staff.  Jessie Czebotar, the single mom of six, rising from obscurity to have built (or with handlers) a large internet following after the past two years.  During this time she has collected a staff made up of fundraisers, Twitter defenders/attackers, submissive video interviewers, propagandists and second tier actors with shady backgrounds.. 

Jessie’s organization is a consortium of old friends and new.  Her church denomination is unknown. She lays claim to the title of Chaplain everywhere but few resources disclose it or its reach.  There are references to a hospital or a homeless shelter but never names, dates or locations.  Her whole back story is largely like this.  It makes a thorough investigation of her claims difficult with many loose ends.  When she is more specific many of those stories don’t pan out. However, more information is being revealed from people who have known her, ran afoul of her and are talking. 

But to her enthusiastic followers none of this matters.  As one said in a birthday message, “God danced the day you were born.”  These needy types need a hero and one has arrived, flaws and all

The Top Six Players

There are several things these characters all have in common.  One is that they never question Jessie in their interviews of her. They are unconcerned regarding facts as she relates her stories to them.  There are no follow up questions.  Secondly,  enough subscriptions will place the channel owner on the YouTube Partner Program and later an AdSense account.  Advertising and even “likes” provide monetization. This can be expanded with an online shop for merchandise.  Having a Youtube channel can turn into a lucrative home business.  Jessie is a good traffic draw so there will be no probing inquiries into her stories to upset this cash flow.

Jeff Shepherd (Ramsperger)

Jeff Shepherd is Canadian and lists himself as an Author, Public Speaker, Real Estate Investor, etc. 

It is unknown how many YouTube channels pay Jessie Czebotar to be a co-host but Jeff’s Right On Radio is one. Jessie makes weekly appearances on his show.

Together, they help perpetuate the Jessie Myths. Of particular note was EP. 123 when Jessie got an alleged, and vague, threat from Somerset Belenoff.  As documented elsewhere on this blog, Belenoff is an intricate internet hoax that Jessie insists to this day, is a real person.  I contacted Jeff about this via his Facebook and he lied to me asserting that they were indeed contacted by Somerset Belenoff and I should continue my research. He has continued this lie on several videos.  There is an ongoing and easily sussed out deception and Jeff is part of it.

Jeff Shepherd is involved with Jessie’s Shepherd of the Sheeple Army (SOS).  

 An organization whose message is to “…raise awareness about the activities of the Luciferian Brotherhood, to support its victims and to advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.” 

Some have complained that SOS requires heavy vetting of applicants who must supply a lot of personal information.  Name, address, URLs to social media sites and a checklist of strengths or talents.  It is unknown if SOS team leaders members have paid positions or not.  

Dave Zublick

I once said in another post that Dave Zublick’s mind is the place where rational thought goes to die.  That may have been a major understatement.  It's hard to tell if Dave is serious or just a bit cuckoo.  After perusing headlines on his Dark Outpost site, I fear it might be the latter.    

Here are some examples: 

Child Trafficker Mother Teresa Was Anthony Fauci’s Mother

George Soros Clone Arrested In Philadelphia For Election Interference

California Megachurches Rebrand As ‘Family Friendly Strip Clubs’ To Protest State’s Covid-19 Restrictions

Child Porn, Clinton Hanging Found On Giuliani’s Laptop

Lady Di And JFK Jr. To Testify At Gitmo

These read like headlines from the Babylon Bee!  Actually, the article regarding family friendly strip clubs is true, but not what you think.  All the pastor did was take his tie off as a protest for churches being locked down during the pandemic and not the strip clubs in town.

Zublick spent most of his career as an Advertising Account Executive for C & G Newspapers. He lists himself as a “News Personality” on Facebook.  He does a live stream broadcast at America Talks on Saturday nights and regular videos for his YouTube channel.

Like Jeff at Right on Radio and the other grifters profiled here, Dave is never going to raise any questions regarding Jessie’s narrative.  She is free to make up anything she wants.  Dave is a staunch defender of Jessie and views her critics with great disdain. He has referred to me as “that blogger.” So devoted to Jessie he once said, “Jessie is the truth.” Never mind that she is not and easily proven so.  As a Christian, shouldn’t Jesus be the Truth?

George Iceman (George Menezes)

It doesn’t get any sleazier than this guy.  George Iceman has made a name for himself as a top Canadian wrestler promoter and director with Destiny World Wrestling.  He also produces nightclub events and on occasion, Adult Expos featuring scantily clad porn actresses.  He promoted several in Toronto, one in 2014 and the other in 2017.  In an article in the porn site, Math Magazine he is featured chatting with a porn actress asking her what her favorite sexual positions are. 

Iceman’s interviews with Jessie are as patronizing as the rest of her promoters.  It was the first video I ever saw of Jessie, the notable decipher of satanic symbols and graphics.  It was a virtuoso 2-hour performance. However, it turned out to be graphics from the Ghostbusters video game.  What cheek!  Iceman participated in this fraud and continues it on another channel, Iam Non Servus, where this original video is chopped up into segments continuing the deception

In my article George Iceman Loses It! I play the clip showing Iceman losing his cool with a critic in the chat, threatening to “kick some ass.”  In the May 14 Circle the Wagons defense video on Right On Radio, Iceman in another snit, threatened to use “magic” on the critics.  Christian’s do magic?  No, of course not!  The rest of the defenders, many listed here, were silent during this embarrassing outburst.

One of Menezes's adult expos from 2014

Carmen Smith Studer
Probably one of the nicest people profiled here.  What is she doing in this crowd?  Carmen has stints as a life coach and Christian movie producer.  She originally went by the moniker “Pastor Dragonfly” but dumped it as her traffic increased, dramatically.  And part of that increase is due to having Jessie on.  Carmen will go along to get along.  But like the others, she puts up with the nonsense and the lower lights such as Madyson and Clare.

Carmen seems like a kind person and solid Christian. She may be simply naive.

Jodi LoDolce

Probably the most Machiavellian of Jessie’s promoters.  These two women go way back to the beginning.  According to Linkedin, she currently works as 911 Telecommunicator/Dispatcher for the Norwalk Police Department.  She is a former Marine.  Her social media persona is Christian, deeply patriotic, tough, Trump supporter and conservative.  Like many others in the Team, she has multiple aliases and email addresses. 

Jodi is deeply embedded in Jessie’s organization and one of her fiercest defenders.  There is much I know about her that I can’t say about her.  This one is best left alone.  For now.

Chantelle Meyburgh

On her website the happy go lucky South African describes herself as a “Alchemist, Mystic, Healer, Inspirational Coach, Animal Whisperer, Yoga Teacher and Author.”  When not busy with those activities she co-hosts with artist Morne Venter, a fellow who says little, smiles and toys with his long blonde locks on her Aquarius Rising Africa YouTube channel.  Jessie appears regularly and gets the same star treatment she does on all of the other channels.  

Chantelle is totally New Age complete with lotus flower imagery and yoga posing.  She describes herself as spiritual.  Her protege and business partner MornĂ© when not playing with his hair, specializes in hideous, creepy Satanic inspired paintings (link below). Jessie has an eclectic bunch of friends, from Satanists, New Agers to people with outstanding arrest warrants.  

Chantelle founded the Source Alchemy and the SunKidz Programs which she has traveled to many countries promoting, giving talks and giving workshops.  With the SunKidz, children are taught to “identify their spirit guardians” an occult practice the Bible forbids. 

From a Chantelle promo showing child with devil horns symbol

Chantelle’s eastern philosophy has little to do with the Christian concept of Jesus.  She tweets from the heretical Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ directly to Jessie.  What true believer in Jesus Christ would be associated with this heresy?  

This demonstrates a growing trend in Jessie’s ministry.  The watering down of the Gospel and the integration of New Age ideas.  Salvation through Christ for attornment of sin, is being placed further away and replaced with false teachings.

In Closing

So there you have the top six supporters of Czebotar.  There are newer players arriving to join in the videos with Jessie.  Some who are bringing Easter religion ideas, some with criminal backgrounds and others just grifting and promoting personal empowerment for self.  For those of you who are dedicated followers, a change is coming.  



The link to Math Magazine with George Iceman/Menezes  is not listed here due to its adult nature.  An online search will find the URL.  Article titled: VANITY ADULT FAN EXPO 2017.

Jeff Shepherd was running under the surname of Ramsperger for a long time.  He changed it Shepherd recently.  This was done without notice or explanation. 

Another pattern among these people is that most have Facebook pages and most have stopped posting in 2020 and have not posted new content since.  Facebook would be a good place to prompt their activities, video broadcasts, workshops, etc.  Yet they ignore it.

Here is a picture Chantelle Meyburgh posted on her Twitter page.


On Right on Radio, EP 183, Jeff Shepherd, Ramsperger, Whatever announced he has been contacted on April 1st by SB.  Yes, that SB! Somerset Belenoff, the Queen of the Illuminati, the well proven fraud and internet hoax.  Jeff said he would give more details regarding what transpired on a future broadcast on the 13th.  Is this a distraction?  Whatever is coming is bound to nothing but lies.  The nonsense starts at 17 minutes in.


Jeff Shepherd's Tuesday broadcast never mentioned Somerset Belenoff's April 1 contact.  The "dead man's switch" was postponed as well, much to the dismay of the Jessie fans in the chat.


Jeff Shepherd announced on his July 20 broadcast on Right on Radio, that Jodi LoDolce is the official "Prophetess" of his channel.  When has she ever prophesied anything?  If one does, it had to be verified by the Word of God.  Or else it is null and void.


On the Illuminate The Darkness website the following is listed on one of the members, Jodi LoDolce:

Jodi was licensed as a minister while working as Children’s Ministry Director & Leader in a church of approx 2000. She’s a United States Marine Corps Veteran. Her focus is spiritual warfare and the prophetic. She supports SRA survivors as an ear, providing spiritual counsel and prayer.

Note that the church is not named, nor it's location.  This common among Jessie and her group.  They give you just enough info to tell a story but not enough to research it.  Likewise, she never lists her Marine rank.  


EP 187 of RoR, Jeff chats with one of the SOS team members Sarah, regarding VIP's had been joining such as doctors and lawyers.  Lawyers are researchers at heart and any lawyer joining SOS would be someone you would never want to hire.  Likewise, for any doctor.  Professional people like this should know better.  This is most likely a another lie.  In this same video, Jeff once again said he had been contacted Somerset Belenoff, a proven internet hoax.  SOS, like Jessie's other projects, is founded on numerous deceptions.


Chantelle's sidekick, Morne Vente displaying his occult tattoos.


Just a few of David Zublick’s online friends that love spanking!


Regarding the SOS Army,  I stated that there was a membership fee of $197.  This is in error and has been corrected.  I apologize to my readers.

Please note that many video links are down.  There was a mass culling of Jessie interviews from numerous Youtube channels.  That includes, Right On Radio, Aquarius Rising Africa, Carmen Studer, and The Reveal Report.


George (Iceman) Menezes

George Iceman Loses It

George (Iceman) Menezes promoting a nightclub

George (Iceman) Menezes recap of Ghostbusters video game art being used as Satanic decipher graphics

My article showing it was the Gozerian Alphabet from the video game

Chantelle Meybergh's website

Jeff Shepherd (Ramsperger)

Jodi LoDolce article at Digication

Her Website

RoR podcast by Jeff Shepherd claiming Somerset Belenoff is a real person in November of 2020.

Carmen Studer

Dave Zublick

Morné Venter demonic art