Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Ye Shall Know Them By Their Symbols


"A symbol is a mark, sign, or word that indicates, signifies, or is understood as representing an idea, object, or relationship. Symbols allow people to go beyond what is known or seen by creating linkages between otherwise very different concepts and experiences. All communication (and data processing) is achieved through the use of symbols. Symbols take the form of words, sounds, gestures, ideas, or visual images and are used to convey other ideas and beliefs."                                           


Part of childhood is the pleasure of blowing a dandelion and seeing seed filaments, miniature parachutes float off in the breeze. As the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology has found, the aerodynamic design gives the seeds a flight distance as great as a kilometer.  

It is also a useful herb for numerous health issues.  It makes a very good diuretic for people suffering with water retention and can detoxify the liver.  Much of the plant can be used such as the leaves, flowers, or the roots.  The roots can be made into tea and there is dandelion wine as well.

As with all things God-made, Satan will pervert it for his own schemes.  Even the simple act of a child making a wish before the seeds are blown away for good luck is considered a spell.  

In an article by Patti Wigington at, she states, "Some people use dandelions to enhance psychic abilities. In his Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, author Scott Cunningham recommends the use of dandelion roots in a tea to aid in divination and prophetic dreaming."

At Moody Moons, they posted an article, “10 Ways to Use Dandelions in Witchcraft”.  Such as, place them in a Book of Shadows; gather dandelions and other wild flowers as offerings to woodland spirits;  include them in wishing spells (see above); place them on a Beltane altar; and use them as a ring around a spell candle or altar.  All notions of witchcraft which dandelions play a part.

Dandelion As A Symbol

As can be seen in the image above of the 50 Franc Swiss currency, the dandelion image seems innocent till one learns that the Cabal keep their money in Swiss banks.  The flower is dead at this point indicating a darker meaning.  Notice the image to the right of the parasail, it’s angled to have the appearance of a cobra snake head.  Notice the earth with the arrows circling it.  The dandelion seeds in this instance can symbolize the seeds of Lucifer, sending luciferian ideas, around the Earth.

In another one of JC’s unprovable stories, She claims at a young age to have taken a trip to Scotland to visit Glamis Castle.  She claims to have been accompanied by her trainer, Laurie Cabot Kent. At this gathering were some notables and one was Prince Philip who allegedly scolded her for picking dandelions, dismissing them as weeds.  Was this the start of the dandelion meme?  As it now runs through all of her promotional materials.  An odd choice to use dandelions as a symbol considering the aforementioned relationship to occult practices.  Jessie Czebotar’s satanic background, coupled with her ongoing relationships with satanists online, leaves one wondering whose side she really is on.  She admitted to being trained in psyops.  Apparently so.

Her Illuminate the Darkness website, which also doubles as her fundraising nonprofit, has a dual meaning.  When the Satanists sodomize a child in their rituals, it is referred to as “Illuminating” the child.  She and her organization are supposed to be helping SRA survivors recover.  An SRA survivor would have a deep and horrible memory of being illuminated.

Images from Jessie Czebotar various websites.


Taraxacum officinale is a flowering herbaceous perennial plant of the Asteraceae family.

Jessie often refers to Laurie Cabot as a “Kent”.  All searches indicate this is not her actual surname and she is known as Laurie Cabot, one of American’s leading witches.  

Illuminate the Darkness had an earlier incarnation as Unveiling The Darkness LLC, a for profit company.  It was established in Feb 22, 2016 and ended via Tax Forfeiture in Jan 25, 2019.  It had the same exact address and director, Carol Berry, as Illuminate the Darkness currently has.

Illuminate the Darkness was designated by the IRS as a nonprofit in January 24, 2020.  It has yet to fill an annual Form 990, Form 990ez, or Form 990-n (e-Postcard), as required by IRS regulations.


Carla Shellis is working to help the survivors of human trafficking.  Shellis, based in Texas, is focused in buying homes she calls “safe houses” to house victims rescued from traffickers.  Initially, she wants millions in donations to purchase and upgrade existing homes for woman and girls.

Sparkle Living Inc, is her nonprofit.  She is also the founder of Bochy's Place, Bochy's Box and Bochy’s League, all setups for fundraising, merchandizing and organizing activities such as, property purchasing, gatherings, volunteering, etc.

For someone who desires to help trafficking survivors it’s interesting to note the logo which features mind control symbols such as the butterfly, a symbol of Monarch mind control and out reached hands, a symbol of “handling”.  Likewise, the Bochy’s Place websites are heavy with MK Ultra programming symbolism.

More references to 666 embedded in logos.


Chantelle Meybergh's sidekick, Morne Vente displaying his occult tattoos.


The physics of the dandelion

Health Benefits

Use in magic and spells

Dandelion Magic and Folklore